Jayne’s fuss-free hospital birth

Hi Nadine,

Just wanted to let you know that our baby boy was delivered safely on 1:34 am, 20 Feb 2013. I was 39 weeks and 2 days.

I started having contractions since 7am plus on tues morning. Woke up and continued to work fr home. Saw some blood discharge also but the contractions are still far apart around 10 mins. So I just stayed home, did housework, bathed, etc. Bounced and swayed on my birthing ball as well. Hubby finally came home around 4pm. Contractions were still around 10 mins but the surges were longer and more intense. I decided to go for a walk around my neighborhood then take dinner at home. After dinner, we decided to go to hospital since we stay some distance away.

Reached hospital right before 9pm. The nurse said my contractions seem to be in early stage around 8 mins apart but she was surprised I was already dilated to 5cm. I gave my birth plan to the nurses and midwives and asked them to leave me alone. So they really did. No IV drip, no medication, no electronic device. I just moved about the room and talked to my husband. Swayed my hips while leaning on hubby and sitting on toilet bowl helped the most. Around12am, the pain was really intense and I was very tired. I slept between each surge but they were so close together. By 1am, I told my husband I feel like pushing. (This is the only part I didn’t manage to hang on to. The urge to push was just too overwhelming!)

He got the midwife in and she was shocked I was 9cm plus already. Quickly called the doctor and nurses came in to rush preparing all the things. Midwife asked me to start pushing. Before my second push, my doctor arrived, around 1:15pm. He came over to greet me and I was giving my second push and my water bag burst all over him! He quickly put on his robe and sat down. Few more pushes then my baby boy was out!

They followed my birth plan and put my baby directly on my chest skin to skin without cleaning him. He only gave one sharp cry when the dr took him out. But was so calm the moment he laid on me. He stayed on my chest (also peed all over me!) while my doc delivered the placenta and stitched me (he made one cut). the nurses left us alone for about an hour for bonding and breastfeeding then sent me to the normal ward. Baby was reunited with me again shortly after. The midwives and nurses kept telling me they are very amazed I managed to do it the way I did.

All in all it was a wonderful birthing experience. Although I didn’t manage to breathe him out at the end, I am still happy with how everything turned out.

Thanks Nadine for your tips in the classes. Take care!

Jayne Ng

Hi, I'm Nadine

A self-confessed birth junkie, I love all things birth and breastfeeding… I’m so lucky to be able to work with expectant families and share this very special time in their lives with them :) I am also a Life Coach helping mothers overcome burnout and overwhelm.

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