How I can help you

All Services

pregnant woman lying on bed

HypnoBirthing Group Classes

Prepare your body and mind through an internationally-renowned antenatal program that helps pregnant mothers prepare and approach their birth with calm and confidence. A series of five weekly classes, this course is based on evidence-based information to help you and your partner make decisions that are right for you.

Doula Services

Benefit from continuous support of an experienced doula who is dedicated in empowering you with knowledge and confidence to navigate the complexities of the Malaysian maternal healthcare system, whatever type of birth you choose.

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Breastfeeding & Newborn Care Classes

Receive individualised care and education from a breastfeeding peer counselor throughout your postpartum experience to help you overcome the challenges of early parenting, through classes or home visits.


Life Coaching for Mothers

Work one-on-one with a life coach who can help you get a grasp of the challenges of modern day parenting caused by the breakdown of the village. Through somatic practices and NLP, you can learn to build resilience in your nervous system to help you deal with modern demands of motherhood.

pregnant woman lying on bed

HypnoBirthing Intensive Classes

Over 3 sessions, you’ll learn the transformative techniques of hypnobirthing and encourage an easier labour with less need for intervention or pain relief. Join us as we explore relaxation methods, visualisation techniques, and self-hypnosis tools to prepare you and your partner for childbirth.


HypnoBirthing Refresher Classes

Designed for those who have previously completed a hypnobirthing course, this session offers a chance to revisit and reinforce your skills in preparation for childbirth. Join us for a condensed review of relaxation techniques, visualisation exercises, and self-hypnosis methods, tailored to reignite your confidence and readiness for the birthing experience.

Postpartum house visits

As your doula, I offer personalised support in the comfort of your home during those early weeks after birth. From breastfeeding guidance to emotional encouragement, I’m here to help you navigate parenthood with confidence.


Free Introductory Online Workshop

Hey, have you considered my free introductory online workshop? Just tell me where to send you the time, date, and zoom link.