Kisah kelahiran puteri Shazlynn yang kedua

Happy birthday to my hypnobirth baby, Sarraa Wiydad bt Mohd Hasbi. Experienced the most wonderful moment in my life a year ago. Thanx to this group, and my hypnobirth teacher sis Nadine Ghows for all the knowledge.

3.12.13 (39w4d)- Ada regular check up with Dr. Fidak at Pusrawi. Hantar DS ke taska. Sampai Pusrawi rupanya appointment is at 3-4pm something! Hihi misunderstanding. Masa tu about 11am so decide pergi KLCC. Mild irregular surges.

Husband lepak coffee bean buat assignment. I jalan sorang2 tawaf KLCC sampai pukul 2-3pm, and went back to pusrawi.

Otw back jammed lah pulak. Surges makin strong tp tak regular. Menggelupur atas seat. Clearly approved that kalau berjalan kurangkan sakit! Tadi tawaf klcc almost 3hrs relax je. Husband cakap “kalau nak berjalan sangat abang stop tepi tu nanti pi naik jejantas tu tunggu kat pusrawi” (jejantas depan IJN tu) wah ada ke bagi suggestion macamtu awak kan my birthpartner we need to be together okay. 🙂

Jumpa dr.Fidak then dia tak nak buat VE sebab dia takut nanti stimulate the opening or something, so dia suruh balik dulu. “Balik dulu la.. Rehat2 kat rumah mandi makan semua. Nanti apa2 sms je saya ye.”

Balik rumah ambil DS,singgah tapau makanan, but the surge is getting stronger. At about 6pm i start to timed it. Lepas maghrib berbalas sms dgn dr. Fidak and dia suruh datang lepas isyak. Masa tu surge lebih kurang 4-1-4

Sampai emergency sementara check in berdiri je sambil goyang hip slowly. Memang tak duduk langsung. Masa ni I dah tahu my position masa layan surge is berdiri. Husband sibuk assist DS smentara nak tunggu abang from shah alam datang pick up dia.

Check in ward, brief dengan nurse I nak ctg upon admission only, taknak VE, drip line etc. Dia argue jugak sekejap tapi okay la. So layan surge posisi berdiri sambil peluk birthball yang letak atas katil. In between surge makan bubur, chocolate n kurma. Minum air. Sambil sembang dengan husband.

Almost 2 hours after admission, rasa nak push, so I naik atas katil kneeling sambil peluk ball. Husband panggil nurse. Nurse tu datang jenguk then keluar ayat macamni “dah nak bersalin duduk le elok2 ape yang tertonggeng(kneeling) rupe tu, jatuh katil nanti…” Tak rasa nak marah tapi nak ketawa grin emoticon

Nurse buat VE katanya dah 5cm and nak call dr. Fidak. 5mins later rasa macam terasa sangat kepala then panggil lagi nurse, tergopoh gopoh diorang masuk “doctor on the way, puan bersalin dengan kitorang je lah”

Okay before tu I sempat argue kejap nak bagi katil tu tegak sebab nak squatting position. Nurse tak bagi “maaf puan, tu birth plan puan dengan doctor, kalau dengan saya kena sandar. Tunggu doctor datang nanti kami tegakkan” okay, whatever..

So masa breath the baby out adalah gaduh sikit dengan nurse tu I rasa sebab dia gelabah but dont worry I can handle myself. Cewah 🙂

Then lahirlah my hypnobirth baby ni, 3.2kg 1:40am. Semua yang dalam birth plan semua dapat buat alhamdulillah, kecuali bersalin in squatting position. But lepas setahun berlalu rasa tak apa lah, it is still a wonderful memories kannn..

Thanx to my husband yang melayan I pergi hypnobirth class, be my very good birth partner and play his role very well. Walaupun pura2 tak minat tapi dia selalu cerita dia suggest kawan2 dia pergi hypnobirth class heheh..

Gentle birth rockxx

Hi, I'm Nadine

A self-confessed birth junkie, I love all things birth and breastfeeding… I’m so lucky to be able to work with expectant families and share this very special time in their lives with them :) I am also a Life Coach helping mothers overcome burnout and overwhelm.

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