August 1st, 11 days past my EDD and we had decided to go ahead with my Dr’s advice to be induced. I dreaded the decision but it had to be done. I trusted my doctor, and I knew he understood I wanted a gentle and natural labour. It was assuring to know I was respected and understood and not like most doctors that have their best interest to induce as quickly as possible to get things going.
This is where Nadine played a critical role. She gave me the knowledge to go out and look for the right doctor who will understand my needs. There are very few Dr’s that will be patient enough to wait as long as possible for induction.
I was given one dose of Prostine and waited 7 hours for the beggining of my surges to begin. With every surge that came over me I breathed through each and every one knowing that my baby was coming. 36 hours later I birthed my baby girl in water. My doctor was so patient. Never once offered me pain killers as he and the midwives read my birthing plan and knew this is what I wanted. My labour may have been long but it was calm and drug free and all I wanted for my baby girl. The water birth was so empowering and I highly recommend it to every woman. It is so relaxing and the support of the midwives were tremendous. It was the best day of my life. I wasn’t stripped away the right to labour naturally because I was ‘late’. Had I not met Nadine and attended her classes maybe things would have been so different.
I AM so grateful I attended the HypnoBirthing classes. Thank you Nadine!