Pre-school Career Day Talk

About a year ago I gave a talk at my daughter’s pre-school about my job as a Doula. It was so much fun!
There was a real-life pregnant woman (a friend) hehe…

I was so proud and glad to be able to talk about my job as a Doula to 4 year old kids. How often is it that children get to hear about Doulas and Midwives rather than your traditional run-off-the-mill careers like doctor, engineer, architect, etc? … especially here in Malaysia where conventional jobs such as lawyers and accountants are bountiful and considered successful..


I explained the basic premise of my job – mom feels powerful sensations when she is birthing and needs as much support, love and understanding during this time… “The uterus is a powerful organ and mama feels powerful sensations when bringing your baby brother or sister into the world… Would you like to help mama feel comfortable during this time? How can we do that?”

They were all so eager to help the pregnant mama by wiping the sweat off her face, massaging her back, giving her sips of water, etc… One of the little ones massaged the mama’s feet and didn’t stop until the end of the whole talk! Needless to say the pregnant mama was very pleased 🙂 ALL the children had an instinct to help the pregnant mama… a beautiful reminder to me that we human beings are instinctively loving and compassionate… and we need just to look at our little ones to realize that..

They are all amazing little doulas-in-the-making!!

Here’s to the future of our society – full of compassionate, kind, loving doulas, childbirth educators & midwives!


Hi, I'm Nadine

A self-confessed birth junkie, I love all things birth and breastfeeding… I’m so lucky to be able to work with expectant families and share this very special time in their lives with them :) I am also a Life Coach helping mothers overcome burnout and overwhelm.

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