Yuyue’s healing gentle birth of her second baby

Our decision to go all natural was due to my previous pregnancy. Sebab ramai sangat tanya Yuyue kenapa beria and all, Allah je tahu betapa 4 tahun pun tak dapat nak padamkan trauma sakit yang lepas. Bukan sakit beranak biasa biasa tu ye (trust me you dont want to face it)- 4 bulan Yuyue tak bergerak macam normal – “paralysed but in pain” . And of course for this pregnancy, we went to see few doctors. In fact my neurologist also ruled out few things to avoid and highlighted it to my gynae, Alhamdulillah somehow Allah mudahkan jalan kami.

S​ince Yuyue memang request nak all natural and as close as possible to hypnobirthing/gentle birthing, our gynae was a bit concern on the baby’s size as my weight was consistently reduced for the last 4 weeks by 1 kg/week. At that point, baby dah hit 3kg, since Sayf (my firstborn) was 3.1kg, doc estimated the baby will grow bigger. End up, doc somehow bagi kata dua, please do whatever it takes (safely) or else i have to admit you on the 40th week. Admit means high chance of induce if no sign of delivery.

Sambung balik, once dah dengar final decision from gynae, so the game was on! Trust me i had a list of all natural inducers that people are suggesting. I did almost all since 36 weeks. Trust me memang ada moments down and merengek dekat husband what went wrong, so at one point i decided to let it go, be calm and put my focus 100% on the breathing techniques (surge & birth) and the hypno scripts that i wrote. 

The 18th Aug was all about what mama wanted to do for the last time before baby arrives. Thanks abang for the treat and love❤️ we had a nice outing, makan makan, coffee session etc. Super love it!

Past midnight on 19th Aug, the surges kicked in for the first time! Around 1am ish. Ya Allah tuhan je tahu betapa happy nya Yuyue. But buat-buat tenang and bodoh je and cuba untuk tidur. The surges were not yet consistent, so Yuyue pon tak record lagi. Hugged Sayf and husband dalam gelap sebab happy sangat 😢. It means no induce and high chance for natural birth. Around 4am, the surges dah macam show a pattern so Yuyue start record. Yuyue bangun and mandi wangi wangi, terus solat.

Air mata macam banjir sepanjang solat. Doa sampai mengigil. Gembira campur sedih, takut dan trauma semua bercampur baur. Cuma beza nya kali ni, Yuyue yakin semacam. Yakin yang this time sejarah pahit lepas takkan berulang lagi, yakin yang Allah dah susun semua ni cantek cantek dah, yakin yang whatever happen pun, Allah ada dengan Yuyue😍 Sebelum subuh suami bangun dan kami jemaah sesama.❤️

Ikutkan doc suruh admit by 830am. But we decided to just layan kan je surges dekat rumah. Lepas breakfast and hantar Sayf, Yuyue tidur sekejap sebab nak regain energy sebab malam tu tak berapa lena. Tersedar around 10am dan surges maken cantik pattern. Bangun, mandi dan start gymball exercise sambil selang selang buat kerja rumah. Trust me I could easily move around the house, turun naik tangga macam biasa dengan bantuan surge breathing & light touch massage and kadang-kadang husband buat rebozo. 

Bila dah 3pm, Yuyue dah rasa surges close to 10 minutes gap. So baru bersiap semua. Mandi lagi sekali dan pakai pink dress, dah lama plan nak masuk labor room pakai pink dress ni😍Tunggu mak ayah sampai dari kampung and salam salam semua then bergerak ke hospital. Sesampai je terus pergi labor room bagi tahu dah ada surges. Around 540pm doc performed vaginal examination dah 5 cm dilated and she said ill see you in 4 hours. Then terus settelkan registration for ward admission. Jalan ke sana ke mari and refused to use wheelchair.

Stop walking bila surge datang and focus on surge breathing. Around 630pm dah dapat check in ward. While husband pergi solat; unpack barang and prep the room. Yuyue solat and continue gymball exercise. Sempat lagi diffuse essential oil 😍 Trust me, bila tengah struggle nak manage the surge pain, 100% focus and being calm tu sangat penting in order to ensure surge breathing tu properly executed, kalau tak memang fail and akan rasa sakit.

Husband memang focus buat light touch massage while Yuyue buat alternate position sitting on the gymball or squat on the floor while hugging the ball. Both effective. At this stage, part yang paling sakit normally area pinggang belakang, sebab theoretically, that area tengah nak mengembang big enough for the baby to come out. Bukak jalan lah kiranya. Sebab tu penting the massages and the gymball.

By the way, before masuk ward tu dah handover the birth plan dekat nurse in charge. Short briefing, discuss on few things and all parties signed the birth plan – me, husband, the nurses and the doctor.
Tak lama close to maghrib tu, Yuyue dah rasa macam nak buang air besar, then Yuyue jalan slowly ke labor room,heret sekali gymball😅 dalam labor room dah request free position, no continuous CTG (therefore nurse opted for handheld intermittent check – please request yang ni) dalam labor room pun my gynae galakkan to be consistent atas gymball sambil suruh husband buat light touch massage. Sometimes Yuyue berdiri macam nak dance tu sambil bersandar kat husband, remember, hugs before drugs!! At this stage dah dekat 8 cm and nurse pun dah alertkan doctor. Any painkiller dah tak bole ambil by right but the nurse offered Yuyue ambil the laughing gas. Even husband pun pujuk “sayang boleh ambil ye. Its just gas”. But Yuyue senyum je geleng taknak, dalam hati “I can do this! Dah lama plan and prep nak face semua ni”

At first, Yuyue plan nak deliver the baby berdiri sambil hug husband or squat dekat gymball. Neurologist memang dah warning sesiap jangan pick position yang put weight on the back. Go for gravity-friendly position. Nanti Yuyue share jugak different options for positions. Once dah approach fully dilated tu, rasa macam lenguh sangat pinggang but the pain was still bearable, so Yuyue request for last option, berbaring but in lateral position sambil angkat kaki sebelah. Ini dah kira klimaks la. From surge breathing Yuyue slowly tuned into birth breathing. First and second breath macam ala ala practice. Time ni doc observe je. In between bila takde surge tu yuyue rest and relax. The third breath tu doc dah maken happy, dah nampak hair and baby. Memang tak putus putus dia bagi semangat. Baru dia pakai glove and the fourth birth breath tu memang Yuyue took slow and longer breath, really imagine the path baby nak keluar tu sambil direct kan downwards – ni ada orang panggil J-breathing. And alhamdulillah, dengan kuasa Allah Yuyue berjaya literally breath the 3.2 kg baby out at 8.32 pm 😍

Double happiness bila doc cakap pandai push and very minimal natural tear. Ya Allah syukur sangat sebab serik dah kena episiotomy dulu🤧. Lepas baby keluar terus delayed cord clamping and baby direct breastfeed dengan jayanya. Kagum dah pandai menyusu macam pro😅 slowly rasa macam surges and uri pun keluar sendiri. Bila dah no pulse dekat cord, baru doctor mintak husband potong. Skin to skin pun doctor tak kisah lama mana kite nak. Dah rasa puas semua baru request nurse bersihkan baby and transfer to ward.
Malam tu jugak in laws datang drop by hehe, punyalah happy dah settle semua sampai tak sedar duduk bersila 😅Lain sangat feeling beranak kali ini. Satisfaction and all, super new level for us. No words can describe. Alhamdulillah❤️

❤️This journey wont be successful without the support, effort, knowledge and prayers from these people : my ohsem doula le husband, all family members, my gentle birth teacher Nadine Ghows, my friends and my akak-akak office, my oily sisters and all mommies in few mommies groups😍😍😍

Hi, I'm Nadine

A self-confessed birth junkie, I love all things birth and breastfeeding… I’m so lucky to be able to work with expectant families and share this very special time in their lives with them :) I am also a Life Coach helping mothers overcome burnout and overwhelm.

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